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Beware of brain farts

(above) Aging baby-boomer's low-tech secret weapon: If you remove the Caps Lock key, you can’t tap it accidentally.

As you write, be conscious of your habitual errors, which may increase as you get older. I have many “senior moments” (also known as “brain farts”) while typing. Don’t laugh at me if you’re just 30 years old. The 20-year-olds are laughing at you.

It takes just about 15 minutes to go from age 30 to age 50. It takes five minutes to go from 50 to 60.

I’m a proud member of the first cohort of the Baby Boom. I was born in 1946 along with Billy Clinton, Dolly Parton and Donny Trump.

In the new system, we are all still middle-aged, and we will remain middle-aged until dirt is shoveled on top of us.

Lately, I’ve stupidly held down the shift key as I pressed the key to insert an apostrophe, and ended up inserting a colon. I often type “i nthe,” “hsould,” “nad” and “fro ma.” I now tap the Caps Lock key a lot by accident, the semicolon instead of the apostrophe, and the “Page Down” key instead of “delete.”

I’ve also degenerated from being the world’s fastest six-finger typist to a pretty-good two-finger typist. (I actually have ten fingers but I’ve never used them all for typing.)

Be careful where you rest your fingers. The DELETE key is potentially very  destructive. Don’t tap DELETE when you want PAGE DOWN.

By the way, a typo (typographical error) is a goof caused by tapping the wrong key, or—much less often—by hardware malfunction. Please don’t call an error of ignorance a typo. If your book says you were “born in Missipi,” or that George Washington “were borned in Philadelphia,” don’t blame your keyboard or computer.

If I live long enough, I’ll probably develop even more bad habits which I can’t control. I hope sloppy typing is not an early sign of dementia.

I guess having to fix typos is better than dying young and perfect. When I start drooling on the keyboard, someone should take it away from me.

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