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Get Published Today! An Insider's Guide to Publishing Success [Paperback or e-book]

Penny C. Sansevieri


(from the publisher) Writing a book is hard enough. Publishing it shouldn't be. Get Published Today! is the definitive guide to getting your book published. From New York publishing to eBooks to self-publishing, this is the one comprehensive and insightful book that covers it all.

Your Step-by-Step Roadmap to Publishing Success!

Tired of all those rejection letters? Find out how millions of authors like you are erasing old barriers to get their books published. Get Published Today! explores the entire publishing industry and shows you the shortcuts and insider tips you need to successfully publish your book.

We'll Teach You:

•How New York publishing really works!
•How to get published in ninety days ... or less!
•How to jump on the eBook bandwagon!
•Hundreds of publishing and marketing resources!

Here's What's Inside:

•A step-by-step guide to getting published, packed with strategies, tips, and the secrets you need to know!
•How to sell your book in the foreign market and make great money!
•Savvy marketing tips and tricks to kick your marketing plan into high gear!

(from Michael) Most of the books I've recently read about publishing are about self-publishing. This one explains how to get published the old-fashioned way. Penny knows what she is talking about and can save you time and tears. There is also advice that will help all authors sell more books -- regardless of their path to publication.

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