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Tools for building better books

How to Make Real Money Selling Books (Without Worrying about Returns): A Complete Guide to the Book Publishers' World of Special Sales

[Paperback & e-books]

Brian Jud

(from the publisher) The worldwide book market generates almost $90 billion annually, and more than half of those sales are made in non-bookstore outlets such as discount stores, airport shops, gift stores, supermarkets, and warehouse clubs. How to Make Real Money Selling Books provides a proven strategy for selling books to these enterprises. You will learn about developing a product strategy, conducting test marketing, contacting prospective buyers, promoting your product, selling to niche markets, and much, much more.

(from Michael)  Many thousands of books reach readers without booksellers. They are distributed -- sometimes for free -- by entities that want information or opinions circulated. These “special sales” can generate high profits, with no risk of returns. A book you’ve already written may be perfect for use by an association, corporation, government, charity, foundation, university or a political party. Perhaps a book you’ve written needs just slight changes and perhaps a new title and cover to become perfect. Maybe information in your book is fine, but the book needs a new point of view or emphasis. Make a deal. Brian's book will be a big help.

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$16.04, order paperback from Barnes & Noble


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