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What Do You Call That Funny-Looking Thing? terminology for self-publishers [Kindle]

Michael N. Marcus
(from the publisher) Publishing—a communications business that depends on words—often uses words very strangely and communicates very poorly.
     Publishing often uses different words to mean the same thing, and the same words to mean different things. It uses common words in uncommon ways.
     People who take college courses in publishing or work in the media are either taught the special vocabulary or absorb it by working with people with years of experience.
     Self-publishing authors often have to figure things out for themselves.
     If you don’t know the difference between a flong and a fleuron, or between compressed and condensed type, or think that casewrap is related to case, this is the book for you.
     Actually, this inexpensive book should help all writers, including freelancers who sell an occasional article, authors who are published by traditional publishers or self-publishing companies, and people who establish their own publishing company.
     It will help you work more efficiently, and maybe help you avoid looking foolish. You may even find it fun. Writers generally like words.
    Several important and valuable bonus chapters are included:
  1. Type 101
  2. ​What Goes Between the Covers?
  3. ​Building Your "Self" Publishing Team
  4. ​Where Can You Get Help?

(from Michael) Of course I think this is a wonderful book. I wrote it.

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