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The New Author: A beginner's self-help guide to novel writing, publishing as an independent ebook author and promoting your brand using social networks

[Paperback & e-books]

Ruby Barnes



(from the publisher) The New Author is a 200 page book in three sections: writing basics, developing a 'social media platform' and e-publishing as an independent author. Take your manuscript from ready to go with this informative and easy to read guide.

    With foreword by Jim Williams, author of ten internationally published novels including the Booker Prize nominated Scherzo.

(from Michael) I read and review lots of books about writing (I write them, too). I've even written a book about bad books. I have no interest in writing novels, and assumed this FREE book would be terrible. There are two reasons I downloaded this book:

  1. I  think this website should include some books about writing fiction, which I know nothing about.
  2. I wanted to see just how crappy it was. I could not imagine that a book with a price of ZERO would have anything good in it.

I was prepared to write an extremely negative review, but I can't find anything bad to say about The New Author (except that the free e-book is underpriced). It is an excellent book, with advice and information that will be useful for all new authors -- not just new novelists, and not just e-bookers.

     It is better than many books selling for $10 - $20. Ruby is missing a lot of money. I hope the good reviews will encourage him to raise the price of this valuable book. I recommend that you buy the paperback. Authors deserve to be paid for their work.

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$0 (subject to change), order Nook from Barnes & Noble

$9.99, order paperback from Barnes & Noble

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